Thursday, November 3, 2011

Simple Pleasures

Crawling into bed tonight, I decided there are very few things better in this world than having clean sheets.  I washed my sheets for the first time in a while today, and I have been looking forward to going to bed ever since.  I love crawling into the fresh, clean smelling, soft, perfectly laid sheets on my bed.  It's one of those things that you have to experience to appreciate.  I also decided along with clean sheets, one of my other favorite things is when your head hits the pillow for the first time all day, your body relaxes, and for a split second the world is at peace. Nothing in that moment can bother you, and all your stresses slip away.  I love that feeling!  I think I just love sleep but that's beside the point.  Sleep does mean dreaming, and I love waking up the next morning trying to understand what I just dreamt about.  Dreams are odd, but really kind of fun and always unexpected.  Oh the simple pleasures of life!  I'm going to go enjoy my clean, good smelling sheets now, and sleep the night away.

(ps. I wish my sheets were washed and hung out on the clothesline to dry.  I always loved when my grandma dried our clothes that way.  It always made them smell SO much better and fresh.)


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