Monday, December 12, 2011

Design Inspiration: Future Apartment Design

With graduation getting so close, I can't help but to start dreaming up ideas for my apartment.  I'm hoping to get a job near home so I can save money for a few months, but it won't be long before I get my own place.  Lately I have fallen in love with what I call "rustic modern" design.  I love the warmth of the colors, rustic accents, its homeyness, the simplicity, and the beauty in these designs. I've been saving pictures as design inspiration for months now and thought I'd share a few of them with you.  I'll probably have to buy new upholstered furniture pieces when I get my own place, but luckily my grandfather either owns or can easily find rustic antique treasures! Just the other day, Pa gave Erin and I some beautiful old window frames from his barn in the pasture.  While he got those out, I saw a bunch of old tables and furniture pieces that I'd love to fix up and have one day.  Pa told me I had to wait until I got an apartment, so well... it just added to my apartment dreams :)!  What can I say, I think it runs in my blood.  Here are some of my favorite inspiration photos:

 I want this coffee table!!!  ---^

Notice a reoccurring theme? I need to find an apartment with beautiful beams running across the ceiling. Unfortunately I don't think that's an option for an apartment, but maybe in my first house?!  I've also decided I have a deep love for white/beige sofas.  They may not be the most practical, but they sure are gorgeous!  Match a beige sofa with some beautiful warm browns, earthy greens, grays, and yellows and you've got my dream space.  Simply stunning.  

One can dream....not long until it becomes a reality!

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