Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend Movie Review

Since I am currently in this on going state of unemployment vacation, and the family left for Grandma's this weekend, I have had quite a bit of alone time on my hands.  A house to myself, with no commitments calling my name, and it's completely my decision what to do next.  Sounds heavenly right?? Well for me....I'm kind of getting worn out from sitting at home.  Sure it was fun for the first day or two, but now I'm itching to get out of the house and get working again.

However, it's Labor day weekend, everyone is out of town or busy doing their own vacationing at home, so I figured I might as well enjoy the quiet and freedom while it lasts.  So, I figured I'd keep Redbox in business and rent some movies.  And yes, I'll go ahead and admit that I have rented and watched 6 movies this weekend.  I know I'm a complete bum.  I did go swimming this weekend, so I wasn't a complete couch potato, but how else is one supposed to fill three 12 hour days??

So since I watched them, I figured I'd give a quick little review on my movie choices.  You know, in case you decide to help keep Redbox in business this weekend too ;-)!

Movie 1:  Act of Valor
Rating: 4.5/5
Rated R
This is a movie about Navy Seals who are on a mission to rescue a kidnapped CIA operative. In the process they discover a terrorist plot against the US and set out on a mission to stop it.  The movie is action packed and gives a very eye opening picture of what our troops do for us each day.  The men in the movie have to balance family life with their mission.  While the movie was shorter than I had hoped, it was fantastic.  I'll go ahead and warn you it's a little bit of a tear jerker near the end, but it really makes you proud of our men and women who serve this Country each day.  I'd definitely recommend this if you're looking for a movie that's action packed and you want something both men and women will enjoy.

Movie Two: Think Like A Man
Rating:  5/5
Rated PG-13
I have wanted to see this movie ever since I saw the first commercial.  It's a story of women who discover the book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man."  They use it's techniques to get what they want out of their men.  When the men find out, they join the battle and use the book to what they hope will be their advantage.  While it may not be the most appropriate movie for a family, it's absolutely hilarious!!  This is a great chick flick that I think even guys will enjoy.  I was cracking up the whole time!  Every one will enjoy this!

Movie Three: The Devil Inside
Rating:  4/5
Rated R
For all you horror movie junkies out there like me, this is a good one!! For those of you that don't like scary movies feel free to skip this review.  However, I LOVE a good scary movie.  I have been wanting to see this since I first saw the preview, but when I heard from a friend it wasn't good I forgot all about it.  Since Redbox is only $1.20 I figured there was no harm in giving it a shot.  This movie is about a girl who's mother, Maria Rossi, murdered three people during her exorcism. Isabella, the daughter, travels to Rome to visit her mother and learn more about exorcisms.  She meets two guys that are practicing exorcists and they begin the journey into her mom's case.  It's suspenseful and an edge of your seat kind of movie. You can kind of see the twist coming, but it's still good!!

Movie Four:  Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Rating:  1.5/5
Rated R
This movie is about a guy, George Smiley, who is forced out of semi-retirement to uncover a double agent in the British Secret Service.  That's about all I can tell you about the movie because I was so bored that I turned it off 30 minutes in.  I thought it was going to be good from previews I'd seen, but I should have read the reviews on Redbox first.  It's got an overall 2/5 rating for being slow and boring.  I'd definitely agree!  Don't waste your time on this one!

Movie Five: Man on a Ledge
Rating 5/5
Rated PG-13
This again is another movie I'd been dying to see!  It's the story of a ex-cop set out to prove his innocence.  All the while, his suicide is attempt is really just a cover for a huge diamond heist that will prove his innocence.  I loved this movie!! It's another great one for couples to watch.  It's got enough action and love make everyone happy.  The action, and suspense are great.  I haven't seen this great of an action movie in a while.

Movie Six:  Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Rating:  5/5
Rated PG-13
This movie tells the story of an 11-year old boy, Oskar Schell, who's father died in the towers on 9/11.  After finding a key in his dad's closet he sets out on a journey to discover the lock it opens.  This is an incredibly heart-wrenching and moving story.  Go ahead and get your tissues ready and prepare yourself for one of my new favorite movies.  It's a great story of healing and finding yourself after tragedy.  I can't recommend this one enough! Go watch it for yourself!

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