Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Search for answers

We made it to Haiti safe and sound with no real issues.  It took a little longer to get through customs because of the pool filter Jared brought with him, but Jim and Debbie talked their way out of having to pay taxes on it.

Our last two days, for me, have been pretty uneventful for the most part. Jeremiah's team however, has gone above and beyond all expectations and gotten a lot done so far.  I unfortunately have not been feeling too well ( thanks mom! :) ) but thankfully the doctor prescribed me a Z-Pack so I'm trying my best to knock this sinus infection out.

On Sunday, we visited the Australian church (I think it was call Port au Prince fellowship) which was a true treat.  There is nothing better than praising God surrounded by fellow missionaries and believers in Haiti! It was an amazing worship time where we all got to connect with God like never before.  I was so encouraged to see how many missionaries, especially young missionaries, were here! I've gotten in the habit of working with the same people down here that I forgot how many missionaries were really here.  God is working in this country, I feel truly blessed to be a part of it.

This morning we all took a trip to the hardware store. I had heard all about it and wanted to check it out myself. I have to say I was very impressed! It wasn't too far off from a Home Depot.  I helped Debbie pick out a paint color for the exterior of the house, and they mixed it for us like they do in the states! That's HUGE here!  It used to be whatever colors they had were your options.  If you wanted something different you had to mix it yourself. ( I've seen that first hand painting Dorothy's bathroom a few months back.) The best part, however, is that their room for the paint mixing was air conditioned!!!! When they guy asked us to come back in a second time Debbie and I joked saying "if we must!"  It was a nice treat.

After our trip to Eko Depot we had lunch and the guys got to work on their various projects.  The pool got filled almost completely, a screened porch is almost complete, and electrical stuff has been wired up.  They are finishing the screen porch & pool tomorrow and then working on getting they inverter set up.  Once that's hooked up Jim & Debbie will basically never have to go without power.  It's such a blessing to them and teams coming through!

While the guys were hard at work, I got to sit down with Debbie and go through my list of questions. She patiently answered them all and I feel much better about things. I'm gonna have to raise more money than I expected, but I know if this is God's will he will provide.   I'm trusting Him with the details because they surpass my understanding at this point.  It's all a bit overwhelming but I know and trust God will take care of every thing, even dow to the tiniest detail.

I've been so encouraged by the team, Donna, Jim, & Debbie over the last two days.  Everyone is so supportive and willing to do what is needed to see me succeed.  God really knew what he was doing when he connected me with Jim & Debbie almost four years ago.  The whole journey has been incredible and I'm constantly standing in awe of God's goodness and provision.

Thank you all for the love, prayers, and support! The week has just begun, I can't wait to see what comes next!

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