Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pretty Please!

I realized last week that despite the average 300-500 views I get of my blog each month, I only have 4 followers.  I love knowing that people are interested in reading what I write, but would love even more to see who is reading my stuff. So this is my plea to you today... If you read my blog, even if only once or twice a month, will you please take a moment and add your name to my list of followers? Pretty Please?!

This is all you have to do:

On the far left of this screen, under the about me section, there is a little bar that says JOIN THIS SITE.  Simply click that blue bar, and a separate screen will pop up asking under which name you would like to sign in.  If you have a Google, Yahoo, Twitter, AIM, OpenID, or NetLog  account, simply choose your account and follow the directions. It will ask you your username and password for that account. Log in and then you will be added to my list of followers.  It's super safe and doesn't give out any information to people other than your name and other blogs you follow. 

Don't have one of those accounts?  No problem.  You can quickly sign up for a google account.  Again, it's super safe, and is actually one of my favorite websites.  Google has a lot of organizational tools and programs you can use that come in handy if you have an account.

Ok, so that's my plea. I'm practically begging you. Pretty pretty please, if you read my blog, follow me!

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