Friday, March 18, 2011


I thought I'd write a little fun post about the best suitemate ever: Meredith Mirick. Last year, fall semester, Meredith and I had Drafting class together. She had just transferred to the school and sat right beside me. I introduced myself to her (which I NEVER do), because I figured it was about time to start making friends in my major. Little did I know, that would lead to one of the greatest friendships ever. She is absolutely hilarious and over the last year and a half we have become really close. So here are a few things I love about her:

  1. She makes me laugh hysterically every single day.
  2. She's the only one that appreciates the quote "lets get this done"
  3. Talking about John Smith always makes us laugh.
  4. She taught us all how to properly kill ourselves if the need arises.
  5. She's completely oblivious when any guy hits on her.
  6. She believes she's a mermaid.
  7. She's taught us all to look in the mirror and say "I'm beautiful" on a daily basis.
  8. She and I seem to always be on the same wavelength in class- we can just glance at each other and know what both of us are thinking.
  9. She's disgusted by hair- especially facial hair on men.
  10. She finds the best youtube videos- curiosity usually directs her choices.
  11. She's taught me a lot of things I never knew- like what a wing man is.
  12. We never, EVER run out of things to talk about.
  13. She makes it a point to have our 11 o'clock talks every night (usually not ending until 1 despite her best efforts)
  14. She will stretch anywhere, at anytime.
  15. She will understand this perfectly- Nubs.
  16. We keep each other sane when it comes to design projects.
  17. She may be my date to Erin's wedding.
  18. She is a pro at unbuttoning her skirt.
  19. She talks about her car like a person and her first child. R.I.P Lj
  20. She is going to dress her husband and son in matching ralph lauren polos.
  21. She chose to live with us next year!!
So basically she's amazing and I love living with her! My days would not be nearly as enjoyable or entertaining without her! Love you Meredith!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH! i love this soo much!! every time i re-read everything it makes me me laugh all over again! I especially love the one that says we keep each other sane during interior design projects! I definitely wouldnt know what to do with out you by my side :) I cant believe how I really cant even do a project with out knowing you'll always be supportive and working at the drafting table right across from me...of course so we can stare at each other! you have become one of my best friends here at school especially this past year!! love you

    Mermaid Meredith
