Tuesday, October 15, 2013

it's the little things

This week, it's the little things that have kept my to do list growing for Haiti.  Who knew there were all of these things I needed to complete before moving out of the Country?! I sure didn't realize how in depth the whole process was.  My brain hurts from sorting through it all!

Today I have:
-Applied for International insurance
-Registered with the US Embassy
-Unlocked my iPhone so I can use it in Haiti
-Signed up for MagicJack so I can make free calls to the US while I'm away
-Registered travel with both of my bank accounts so my card won't get rejected in Haiti
-Picked up the final items (and returned a few unnecessary ones) for Haiti
-Balanced my checkbook
-Sent final donations & mailing additions to Christian Light
-Mailed off remaining bracelets & payment from my fundraising
-Made arrangements to cover my rent through December
-Signed up for a Hulu account

Whew, I'm tired!!

Now back to packing and organizing my life before Saturday!

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