Saturday, May 19, 2012

And so it begins..

I have officially begun/almost finished packing for my THIRD trip to Haiti.  It is finally beginning to feel real, get exciting, and for whatever reason I'm a little nervous.  It's crazy to think that I'll be in Haiti in less than 48 hours. However, I am so so SO very excited to wrap my arms around Johnny and give him the biggest hug ever!!!  I also cannot wait to hug and catch up with Dorothy!  Not to mention, I cannot wait to see Meredith and Jessica and catch up with them!  I've been going through serious roommate withdrawls!  So many amazing things could happen through this trip and I am very excited to see what God has in store!  I'm really hoping I'll get some clarity on the details about moving to Haiti and truly sense God's calling in all of it while I'm there.  I could really use your prayers as I take this journey and continue to follow the path God is leading me on! Haiti here we come!!!!!

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